Pressure point massage. We are going to work on the energy lines.
All our cells have a memory and fixed points can tell us a lot about our inner life.
I use this technique as a basis, but depending on what is needed we can also implement techniques from cranio, chakra healing, foot reflexology and fascia therapy.
The aim is to get yourself aligned again.
One session is often enough to learn how to apply the basic techniques yourself. After that we can do support sessions for deepened work on specific intentions
session of 1 hour and half
The sacred plants are one of our most beautiful teachers to remind us of the essentials of life.
We hold a ceremony 1 on 1 to have guidance to do all kinds of inner work. Connecting, placing intention, learning to stand aligned, empowerment, focus and searching for our inner voice are some of the things we can work on, but things often flow as the plant speaks out. I also like to use bodywork in the last phase of our night.
My job is to keep the safe space open, with music, chanting, prayers.
After a short rest we make breakfast and pray and share to start the integration.
1 night + morning
One on one guidance to let go of yourself and find your Source.
We start the first day in the afternoon with a nice conversation walk in nature where we touch psychosomatic pieces and learn to understand and set intentions. After and during there is room for grounding~, meditation~ (based on Vipassana) and singing exercises. This in preparation of our first night with the plant medicin which will proceed as described in the previous session.
We start the second day with a meal and prayers, followed by a talk around 'energetic knowledge' to learn to see ourselves in the much larger picture of cosmic forces.
During the afternoon we can go into bodywork.
You also get enough space that day to be able to process on yourself.
Yin and Yang is narrated through examples of intuition and power and we start to feel how the drum can be a spiritual helper.
The second evening is again in function of a ceremony night. Other plant spirits may present themselves to do the second night's work.
And we conclude with an extensive morning ritual with a lot of attention to integration and how we can implement this practically in the future.
The intention is that after these two days you have received enough to be able to do the work on yourself. That you are turned 180 degrees in the direction of your Self and turned 180 degrees again in function of an integration in your daily life.
2 days + 2 nights
I offer you a ride in the cargo bike to the big park to go for a walk and talk.
The journey on itself playfully and softly implements letting go and trust and gives air to start a good conversation among the trees.
3 hours
One-on-one conversations where we actively seek to rebalance your being aiming to take your life to a
higher balance.
Biweekly conversations give us the opportunity to work consciously and focused.
Address general well-being and life issues as well as deep traumatic experiences.
first talk with possibility of follow-up
with 2 sessions per week of 1 hour, weekly, during 6 weeks
(66☾ per hour)
Trauma and meridians.
Ceremony accompanied with Râpé in which we apply a sign on a deliberate tsubo as a conscious confirmation. Energetic work in connection.
for ceremony and materials
on demand
#witchcraftatwork #ritualsforempowerment #shadowwork
🌱 suitable for vegans 🌱
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