We call this morning to Spirit, which is ever present, to help us respect the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.
Be with this Avatar and guide them to seek justice, equity and compassion in the work that is before them today.
I welcome you to meet in a space where we combine eastern non-duality and proven healing techniques, modern philosophies, shamanism and day-to-day witchcraft to create a womb where you feel room to discover the source of your true self.
To make time for who you truly are.
To give space for us to create distance to what happens to us.
Do you want to learn how to feel? How to let go of things and get out of your head? Into your body?
Are you looking for the roots of the resistance you experience?
Do you want to feel connection and trust?
Let us work together and let me be a mirror to show you your dark and your light, and walk by your side to consciously work with them.
with Love,
ShamAndréja des Wolfes
Meet Your Self of 'Ont-Moet Je Zelf' is het principe waar ik onze sessies en mijn mee-voelen graag op baseer.
Velen van ons hebben van kleins af aan "moeten" voldoen aan, "moeten" de rol aannemen van, of dingen "moeten" doen om iemand anders gelukkig te maken... Omdat dat zo hoorde en ons zo is aangeleerd. Een patroon dat moeilijk te doorbreken is en doorsijpelt in ons hele denkpatroon. Iets waar we in het verleden soms tot op late leeftijd in zijn blijven vastzitten.
Maar misschien zijn wij zelf wel diegenen die ons die strengheid opleggen. Omdat bewandelde paden veiliger lijken te zijn.
En misschien blijkt na even luisteren díe veiligheid slechts een illusie, en vinden we echte veiligheid juist door ons hart te laten praten, in plaats van ons hoofd.
Misschien dat we dat moeten proberen, want ik weet dat onze harten veel te vertellen hebben.
Leren 'ont~Moeten' en werken vanuit je eigen Wil, is waar we samen aan werken. Ik ben benieuwd wat er uit Jou komt, want eigenlijk ben je al compleet en perfect.
Laat me jou leren luisteren naar je eigen lied, dat je vertelt wat je hier komt doen. Op onze moeder. Op onze Aarde.
uit het Hart,
ShamAndréja des Wolfes
all our attention goes to creating a safe environment for you to feel the space to grow and let go
Feel free to combine sessions from below and please click on the title for more details
first talk with possibility of follow-up
with 2 sessions per week of 1 hour, weekly, during 6 weeks
☽ please contact me if you like to discuss working on site, in small groups around connection or with sound healing ☾
i am what we call, and proud to be, a modern Witch. Because i learned through life to live with my feet like roots in the ground, my hands on my hara for creation and my third eye to the sky to let the light of my higher self find its way to my heart. Learned to live in the here and now, my intuition supported by my strength.
i try in gratitude to translate this in every word that i speak and every move that i make.
i didn't get here easily, life gave me my lessons. i did all the things we ought to do to become 'happy'. Being a parent of two, my own business in interior architecture, marriage, the house and the car. I worked hard to get that.
Until past traumas came to change my whole life. Personality disorders, psychoses, gender disphoria, loss of loved ones, healing from abuse, suicide attempts, addictions and depression came around to teach me. From then a deep search back to basics made me choose to work with music, art, and people. The true self cannot be tamed.
Looking for balance, and how to listen to it, i combined personal healing with 3,5 years of shamanic trainings, and classes in Shiatsu, Energetic work, and Psychotherapy. And lots of own shadowwork through ritualistic sessions.
Meditation through vipassana, silence weeks, sound healing and the ceremonial use of plant medicins have become common practices that i share with those who seek authenticity and honesty towards themselves and are willing to learn to love both light and dark sides.
Apart from that i love to be a human experiencing my Avatar in this world now, i love cooking, dancing and sharing time with friends. Am wild of the mountains and the shores, and travelling with only a backpack.
This time is very challenging and i'm immensly thankful to be able to join in this adventure and look how we can make things work. Together. In connection to ourselves, and from there with the world.
Blessed Be.
Life is only a playgarden of Source energy to retract and expand.
All feelings and meaning we create and the judgment of good and bad we attach to them are but illusions to make us move as a whole in a continuous direction towards balanced exploration.
Consciousness is the key to let yourself surf this wave in a loving way.
It learns you to anticipate and accept in gratitude the wisdom that Life intends to discover through you.
Let me introduce you to another state of consciousness.
Discover and integrate that part of yourself connected to the curing vibrations. Every creature is a self~healing ecosystem.
#witchcraftatwork #ritualsforempowerment #shadowwork
🌱 suitable for vegans 🌱
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